Problem Description

Design a stack that supports



top, and

retrieve the minimum element

in constant time.





Problem Constraints

1 <= Number of Function calls <= 107

Input Format

Functions will be called by the checker code automatically.

Output Format

Each function should return the values as defined by the problem statement.


Input 1:

push(1) push(2) push(-2) getMin() pop() getMin() top()

Input 2:

getMin() pop() top()

Output 1:

-2 1 2

Output 2:

-1 -1

Explanation 1:

`Let the initial stack be : []

  1. push(1) : [1]
  2. push(2) : [1, 2]
  3. push(-2) : [1, 2, -2]
  4. getMin() : Returns -2 as the minimum element in the stack is -2.
  5. pop() : Return -2 as -2 is the topmost element in the stack.
  6. getMin() : Returns 1 as the minimum element in stack is 1.
  7. top() : Return 2 as 2 is the topmost element in the stack.`

Explanation 2:

`Let the initial stack be : []

  1. getMin() : Returns -1 as the stack is empty.
  2. pop() : Returns nothing as the stack is empty.
  3. top() : Returns -1 as the stack is empty.`

Enter your input as per the following guideline:

There are 1 lines in the input

Line 1 ( Corresponds to arg 1 ) : The line starts with a number numOperations, corresponding to the number of operations. Then "numOperation" operations follow. Each operation is either :

